Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Frenchie, my love.

A tear of sadness escaped my eye, rolled down my cheek, dropped quietly to the ground. Holding memories of friendship and love it shined, as sun embraced it the tear continued to roll. Deep down into the earth it went, through darkness and uncertainty it run then finally stopped. From all directions came holding shards of light, little creatures of magic, gathering around. They gently touched the tear with their magical hand, the place suddenly was filled with bright light and hope, and through eternity a voice was heard: "We never really die, you know, we always live in the heart and mind of those we loved"

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

סופה שקטה

סופה שקטה, לתומה כך עברה, דפי ספר תלשה, קורות חיי פזורים לכל עבר, חשופים לחסדי זרים
 חלומות לא ברורים נפקחים אל בקרים טומני סוד, החזון מתפוגג לתוך ימים נמתחים ארוכים וקרים
סימני שאלה מתאגדים, מביטות עיניים אל אופק רחוק, שמים מכוסים בעננים  נפגשים במים אחרים
 באבחת כנף לא נראית רוח הזמן חלפה, ליטפה, העירה, הזכירה רגעים לא נעימים של מילים ופנים מנוכרים
ואני עומדת נטועה למציאות כעץ עתיק השואף עוד אל השמש, שבעת ימים והרפתקאות. ענפיי ארוכים, נשלחים לעבר סופה שקטה, כותבים עוד דפים בספר חיים שקורים מוזרים אך מוכרים 

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Calrify change

"You don't start over, you continue but with a different way of looking at things", I told her.
She stared back at me from the mirror: "Would you change anything as a result?" She asked.
 "I would re-focus on my journey, and use life circumstances to grow even more. It's called evolving, it is not a change".
"Will you have the strength to walk on that path alone?" She asked me.
 "I always have, people I met left impressions, they left me with a lesson learned. their path crossed mine but they were heading elsewhere. My strength comes from the knowledge that derives  from self realization. Strength is self confidence, it's self esteem that feeds of honesty".
"I'm amazed of how peaceful the moment is, like nothing else exists right now that could spoil your mood".
"It's what I want it to be now. Later will be reshaped by the way I perceive reality, and based on my newly discovered insights, I might continue not knowing what's next but won't afraid to meet my tomorrow" .
 "We don't start over, we keep on going carrying everything that we are into the next moment". She said, that face in the mirror.
"Yes! " I told myself. "We learn and we grow, that's what we do"

Be specific

There's no a bit of love, not such a thing of tons of love.
You either love, or you don't.
There's no partial truth, there's not extra of it.
You either tell the truth, or you don't.
There's no life that is outside yourself, there's also no duality.
You either accept that life is what you are, or you don't know what you're talking about.
There's not such a thing self love without knowing self, and it's impossible to love others without knowing them.
Using the word "Love" does not make it happen, no matter how many times you repeat it. A lie does not become truth just because you think so.
In a world where we suppose to communicate to the best of our ability in order to be considered good human beings we need to be accurate with our words, and we need to be honest about it all. Accuracy can be achieved by talking from experience, from learning as well.
by itself, wanting to be with someone does not make relationship work, it is just the beginning.
Painting a picture that has one layer of pretty paint that hides behind it layers of deceit does not make imagination a reality.
There can be no love where lies reside, there can be no growth where honesty does not prevail.
Friendship is when we agree to use each other, if you're taking advantage of someone, you're not a friend.
Knowing people weaknesses makes you strong only when you're there to help them, when you're benefiting from their inability to cope with their problems, you become another obstacle in their way to realize themselves.
Being free is always from something. If you're operating from outer authority, you're a slave.
Self fulfilment is not self realization. Enjoying self is momentary, discovering self is a lifelong journey. You can not get lost in shallow waters, realizing self requires diving deep into our soul, exploring every hidden place we find when we shine the light of our existence upon it.
People that don't know what love is, because they don't know themselves, people that lie, that take advantage of you, people that are hiding behind walls of deception, those people cannot and will not teach you how to be better you.
There you are, stripped from what matters the most, standing there in the corner of gloomy reality, between Stubbornness Ave and Careless Boulevard selling your soul in pieces just to enjoy a brief moment of recognition from those who are not your friends.