Thursday, July 18, 2019


Consciousness, what is it and what it means to us, human beings.
I've been asked in a web forum how do I explain something that is an abstract, something that is an idea, a word so many use but not all understand what it means.
This is my explanation to what Consciousness is for me, as it comes from years of practicing it and I'll try to simplify it, I hope I'll stick to this notion, and if you have questions please add them in the comments section below.
Consciousness is the knowledge of what I am . Contrary to awareness that it is knowing that I am, it's a step up in our development as there are levels of recognizing self and dealing with life situation s accordingly. Consciousness is about experiencing life, every moment of it, it's self-exploration created using our inner authority that was formed by life values that were shaped as a result of observing and analyzing reality that consists of who I am and the world around me. Consciousness is freedom, because the ability to study is always there and is not limited by the researcher's mind, the possibilities are infinite. Self-development that comes from within the inner authority intensifies the ability to cope with what the world holds for us, it certainly helps develop self-confidence and self-image which make us strong in our ability to fulfill ourselves.
When we break everything down to the basics we can explain from our experience, the terms we use have meaning, same thing we are looking for when walking on our life path. Consciousness helps giving the meaning that is right for us.

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